UNFPA, United Nations Population Fund, an international development agency, invites qualified organizations to submit proposals for the implementation of activities on Advocacy and Awareness under the UNFPA Nigeria 9th Country Programme 2023-2027, across national and sub-national levels in Nigeria. The purpose of the Invitation for Proposals is to identify eligible non-governmental organizations for prospective partnership with UNFPA Nigeria to support the achievement of results outlined in section 1.3 below. Organizations that wish to participate in this Invitation for Proposals are requested to send their submission through email clearly marked “NGO Invitation for Proposals – Advocacy and Awareness” at the following address:
24 March 2023
UNFPA, United Nations Population Fund, an international development agency, invites qualified organizations to submit proposals for the implementation of Sexual and reproductive health and rights, particularly the family planning activities under the UNFPA 9th Country Programme 2023-2027, across national and sub-national levels in Nigeria. The purpose of the Invitation for Proposals is to identify eligible non-governmental organizations for prospective partnership with UNFPA Nigeria to support the achievement of results outlined in section 1.3 below. Organizations that wish to participate in this Invitation for Proposals are requested to send their submission through email clearly marked “NGO Invitation for Proposals – SRH//FP” at the following email address:
24 March 2023
UNFPA, United Nations Population Fund, an international development agency, invites qualified organizations to submit proposals for the implementation of Demographic Dividend Programming intervention under the UNFPA Nigeria 9th Country Programme 2023-2027, across national and sub-national levels in Nigeria. The purpose of the Invitation for Proposals is to identify eligible non-governmental organizations for prospective partnership with UNFPA Nigeria to support the achievement of results outlined in section 1.3 below. Organizations that wish to participate in this Invitation for Proposals are requested to send their submission through email clearly marked “NGO Invitation for Proposals-Demographic Dividend” - at the following email address:
24 March 2023
The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), an international development agency, invites qualified organizations to submit proposals for the implementation of Gender /GBV (Gender-based violence, Female Genital Mutilation, and Child Marriage) activities under the UNFPA 9th Country Programme 2023-2027, across national and sub-national levels in Nigeria. The purpose of the Invitation for Proposals is to identify and select eligible non-governmental organizations for prospective partnership with UNFPA Nigeria to support the achievement of results outlined in section 1.3 below. Organizations that wish to participate in this Invitation for Proposals are requested to send their submission through email clearly marked “NGO Invitation for Proposals – Gender/GBV/Child Marriage” at the following email address: ng-proposals@unfpa.org By 24 March 2023
24 March 2023
UNFPA, United Nations Population Fund, an international development agency, invites qualified organizations to submit proposals for implementation of activities on prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, and reintegration of obstetric fistula survivors under its 9th Country Programme interventions across national and sub-national levels in Nigeria. The purpose of the Invitation for Proposals is to identify eligible non-governmental organizations for prospective partnership with UNFPA Nigeria Country Office to support the achievement of results outlined in section 1.3 below. Organizations that wish to participate in this Invitation for Proposals are requested to send their submission through email clearly marked “NGO Invitation for Proposals – Obstetric Fistula” at the following email address:
24 March 2023
The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), an international development agency, invites qualified organizations to submit proposals for the implementation of Gender /GBV (Gender-based violence, Female Genital Mutilation, and Child Marriage) activities under the UNFPA 9th Country Programme 2023-2027, across national and sub-national levels in Nigeria. The purpose of the Invitation for Proposals is to identify and select eligible non-governmental organizations for prospective partnership with UNFPA Nigeria to support the achievement of results outlined in section 1.3 below. Organizations that wish to participate in this Invitation for Proposals are requested to send their submission through email clearly marked “NGO Invitation for Proposals – Gender/FGM” at the following email address:
24 March 2023
UNFPA, United Nations Population Fund, an international development agency, invites qualified organizations to submit proposals for the implementation of activities within the scope of its humanitarian programme under the UNFPA 9th Country Programme 2023-2027, in Nigeria. The purpose of the Invitation for Proposals is to identify eligible non-governmental organizations for prospective partnership with UNFPA Nigeria Country Office to support the achievement of results outlined in the 9th Country Programme or section 1.3 below. Organizations that wish to participate in this Invitation for Proposals are requested to send their submission through email clearly marked “NGO Invitation for Proposals – Humanitarian Programme” at the following email address: ng-proposals@unfpa.org By 24 March 2023
24 March 2023
UNFPA, United Nations Population Fund, an international development agency, invites qualified organizations to submit proposals for the implementation of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, particularly those aspects related to maternal health under the UNFPA 9th Country Programme 2023-2027, across national and sub-national levels in Nigeria. The purpose of the Invitation for Proposals is to identify eligible non-governmental organizations for prospective partnership with UNFPA Nigeria to support the achievement of results outlined in section 1.3 below. Organizations that wish to participate in this Invitation for Proposals are requested to send their submission through email clearly marked “NGO Invitation for Proposals – SRH/Maternal Health” at the following email address:
13 March 2023